Mriya is

Mriya in Ukrainian, Mara in Belarusian, Mechta in Russian, Dream in English, Otsneba in Georgian. You can write Mriya, Mrija. Same meaning, different languages. No one can arrogate to himself the right to single-handedly dispose of the language. The language belongs to centuries-old culture and peoples. All people dream of happiness. As one classic said, all happy people are the same. As another said – “.. the living – fight, but only those whose hearts are devoted to a high dream are alive.” We try to make people beautiful both in real life and in a dream, advising and helping them decide what they want. So dream, you will succeed! And we will help!

Who are we

Мрiя это

We are a team of certified beauty professionals with extensive experience in well-known salons in Minsk, Kyiv and Moscow. Our masters have experience working with famous people from different spheres of life. We provide quality services and do it naturally, without puffing out our cheeks from our own importance 😉.

Mriya is affordable prices, we use only advanced materials and technologies. Our clients have trusted us for many years.

If you are looking for a combination of reasonable prices and professional beauty services, you will not regret contacting us. We have mastered the art of understanding client requirements and delivering the best the modern beauty industry can offer.

Мрiя это - миссия

Our mission

We are working to make your day better.

Our mission is to provide a friendly, personalized service through a team of highly skilled and creative professionals. Teamwork is our most valuable asset, which ensures that our clients always come first. In every service we strive to exceed your expectations.

> 20

Years in business

> 100 000

Happy clients


Countries where we have worked

Why should you choose us?

Our values

Mriya is a team

Ольга топ-стилист Батуми

Olga, top stylist

Over 20 years of experience in the best salons in Minsk, Kyiv and Moscow. All kinds of the most sophisticated hairdressing services. Booking by phone, the price is individual.

Анна парикмахер стилист

Anna, hairdresser, stylist

10 years of experience. Sign up for services by phone or through the online booking widget

Алиса мастер маникюра салона красоты Мрiя

Alisa, nail service, podiatrist

15 years of experience. Sign up for services by phone or through the online booking widget

Валерия маникюр педикюр Мрiя

Valeria, nail service

Experience 3 years. Appointment for services by phone or through the online appointment widget

Кристина колорист стилист

Christina, colorist, stylist

Work experience 3 years. Booking by phone or through the online recording widget.

Анна визажист и мастер по кератину

Anna, makeup, hair reconstruction specialist

5 years of experience. Booking by phone or via the online booking widget.

Кристина бровист

Christina, browist

Work experience 3 years. Booking by phone and through the online recording widget.

Светлана маникюр

Svetlana, nail service

Experience 10 years. Booking by phone and through the online recording widget.

Сюзанна мастер маникюра

Siusen, nail service

Experience 3 years. Booking by phone and through the online recording widge

Саят женский парикмахер

Sayat, hairdresser for women, stylist

15 years of experience. Sign up for services by phone or through the online booking widget

Лиза барбер Батуми

Lisa, barber

Work experience 2 years. Sign up for services by phone or through the online booking widget

Татьяна барбер салона красоты Мрiя

Tatiana, barber

Work experience 10 years. Sign up for services by phone or through the online booking widget