Massage in Batumi

Massage in Batumi is one of the procedures provided in Mriya beauty salon. Let’s say right away that we do not provide medical services that require a mandatory preliminary visit to the doctor due to any problems of the musculoskeletal system.

Anti-cellulite massage in Batumi

Anti-cellulite massage in Batumi is a very popular type of service, since the sea is near, many people want to look slim on the beach. This type involves strong pressure on the areas of the skin affected by cellulite, as a result of which toxins and fat cells are destroyed. After it, blood circulation in this area improves and subcutaneous deposits normalize in composition.

The duration of the anti-cellulite massage session is 1 hour, the price is 90 ₾.

Массаж антицеллюлитный в Батуми

Sports massage in Batumi

Sports massage in Batumi in our salon is designed to recover after physical exertion. Batumi is a very sporty city, there are many opportunities to practice different sports, especially after the mass arrival of expats to the city. It is enough to go to the embankment in the morning to see a large number of people running along a specially created path along the sea.

The duration of a session of sports massage is 30 minutes, the cost is 50 ₾.

Массаж спортивный в Батуми

Back massage in Batumi

Back massage in Batumi in the salon is done by an experienced master. This type allows you to relieve fatigue in the main muscles of the back that support the spine, relieve tension, swelling from them, and also improve blood circulation.

The duration of the session is 30 minutes, the cost is 40 ₾.

Массаж спины в Батуми

Neck and collar massage in Batumi

Neck and collar massage in Batumi relaxes the trapezius muscle and the rest, supporting the head in an upright position. This type relaxes blood vessels and improves brain function.

Duration – 20 minutes, price 30 ₾.

Массаж шейно-воротниковой зоны в Батуми

General relaxing massage in Batumi

General relaxing massage in Batumi in our salon is the most popular type. Usually, after water procedures and being on the beach, people want to relax, and this option will help you with this.

The duration of the session is a whole hour and the price is 80 ₾.

Массаж общий расслабляющий в Батуми