Podologist in Batumi​

Podiatrist in Batumi at Mriya beauty salons is a doctor who diagnoses and treats diseases and problems associated with legs and feet. Our nail service specialists have medical education and extensive experience working with different clients. Podiatrists use professional equipment in accordance with all sanitary norms and rules.

Подолог в Батуми в салонах красоты Мрiя

Podiatrist services in Batumi prices

Podiatrist services Price

Hygienic pedicure

50 ₾

Onycholysis cleaning

from 10

Hardware removal of core callus (1 pc.)

10 ₾

Hardware treatment of diabetic foot (1 pc.)

15 ₾

Hardware treatment of foot cracks

5 ₾

Treatment of ingrown nails

from 10

Installation of titanium thread

100 ₾

Make an appointment with a podiatrist in Batumi

Make an appointment with a podiatrist in Batumi at the Mriya beauty salon for an initial consultation to solve your problem with your nails or foot skin and start a healthy life by the sea 🏝️🍹⛱️🌞 🌊.